

Attack the Block

Why can't Hollywood invest some of its trillions of dollars into smart, funny, genre-mixers like Attack the Block? That's pretty much my only real issue with the film: its low budget shows. Not terribly so, but enough to make me think, why can't Hollywood invest in this kind of film? Why are they always throwing hundreds of millions of dollars at laughable sequels (and prequels) and unnecessary remakes? Sadly, it says far more than any of us wants to admit about the movie-going audience. So I guess the real question isn't why won't Hollywood feed these creative projects, but why is the American audience not demanding more?  Or the non-PC version: why are American movie-goers a bunch of mouth breathers? 

OK, that's off topic and a sore subject (and better left alone). I'd blame the booze, but I haven't had that many beers. Guess I should have gotten properly pissed before I set out to write this review. Certainly would be a good excuse for anyone crying about how I just called American movie-goers stupid. "I was wasted at the time, barely remember a idea I even said it, really."

And then he remembered he was reviewing Attack the Block, and began typing.... OK, fine, Americans aren't stupid, they know that Hollywood will remake any successful foreign film...oh wait, it's because Americans are too lazy to read sub-titles or piece together a British accent. Damn, I thought I was getting myself out of that one but it seems I've dug myself in a little deeper. But it's true, and I wouldn't doubt it for a second if someone told me that Hollywood was remaking this film. Of course, the Hollywood version would cost $50 million dollars more and be a mere shell of the original, albeit a pretty, shiny expensive shell. Yay for Hollywood!

Anyway, Attack the Block is in simplest terms, an alien invasion movie. But it is filled with elements from many genres: horror, sci-fi, comedy, action and even adds in some social commentary for good measure. And the genres mesh well in a very solid script from writer/director Joe Cornish. The pacing has a quick tempo and keeps the action moving along nicely. The cast of mostly non-professionals do a good job carrying the movie and get a little help from some professional actors, including Nick Frost in a bit role that adds just enough without stealing the thunder from the main characters.

This movie isn't going to scare you much, if at all, (unless you are someone who is frightened easily) but it will make you laugh and it does entertain on multiple levels.

Attack the Block
Score: 75%