

District 9 (2009)

Having seen the original short film that would become District 9, Alive in Joburg, I must say the film does not live up to the promise of the short. Of course, this will be perceived as either good or bad, depending on what type of moviegoer one is. The film caters more to the popcorn eating, escapism crowd than the serious-minded sci-fi aficionados. But I guess that should be obvious once the viewer has been made aware of the director's statement that (regarding a deeper social commentary) "the film would become too serious and oppressive and that it 'wouldn't be entertaining on a popcorn level.' " That should go a long way into answering any questions one has about what this filmmaker is trying to accomplish.

As entertainment on a popcorn level, one doesn't have to be concerned with the many plot holes, contrivances and the heavy-handed allegory on racism, nor the confusing mishmash of styles and tones. On this level, it entertains...if you can just shut your brain off and enjoy the ride of humor, gory violence, and action. However, when it is perceived as more than just mindless entertainment, problems arise.

Because it certainly tries to be more than mindless entertainment. Unfortunately, it mostly falls short in its attempt to deliver its themes convincingly, and stylistically and tonally becomes confused and uncertain as to what it wants to be and say. There is the serious documentary-style film attempting to expose the darker side of humanity, and then there is the action film with cool weapons and explosions trying to entertain "on a popcorn level." Mix in copious amounts of gore and humor--scenes of cartoonish violence that seem inspired by Peter Jackson's early films. (Yes, the same Peter Jackson who produced this movie.) The presence of the latter lends a lightheartedness that is incongruous with the harsher, more serious themes of the film. All of these styles and tonal shifts make the film feel disjointed and unsure of itself.

Sure, District 9 is head and shoulders above scrap heap garbage like The Transformers, but does that really say anything? What it says to me is that moviegoers and critics are so inundated with uninspired tripe that when something comes along that offers more, it is hastily declared brilliant. I certainly think the movie succeeds in some ways, but I don't agree with the consensus that this movie is something more than a slightly above average film. It had higher aspirations than the average film, but it didn't meet those aspirations fully.

The hype surrounding this movie has probably done more damage than good, bolstering expectation for a movie that can't match the lauded praise. Despite a lot of problems I have with the film, it is still slightly better than the average movie and a decent flick for the escapism crowd; but for those looking for the next great sci-fi film, this isn't it.

District 9
Score: 58%


  1. Now see, I loved that flick, and I do agree with it being head and shoulders above transformers while spending a fraction of the money it did, and that not being such a high bar to meet. But I still feel the a lot of credit should be given for making such a solid entertaining and thought provoking film, IMHO. The one thing that I would ask for...NO SEQUEL!!!(please?)
